Doing more work then one is paid

We do not often find this attractive, more work then being paid for... but is that all that matters today?  We do our jobs to the best of our abilities only because we have to earn what we keep to survive.  But what if everyone did more.   What if money wasn't the end but only a median?

We rely to much on the amount of dollars we are paid to work, work being a skill that we provide to be productive.  Productive being a task that either creates a product or completes a service that is needed to be rendered.  Money is simply the means of trade to offer a service for a service or a good for a good, a tool that man can rely on to be used to give value for value.  So what happens when money is wanted for more then the work or product provided?  We break the meaning behind the monetary value of trade.

So what if everyone did more, what everyone went above and beyond, would money be needed? If you knew your service or product worth would you require more money knowing that someone else had given you more then which you had been paid.  Or would you be more generous to the person that went above and beyond for you...

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