What is HMTL5?
We all hear the word web standards. To put it simply, web standards is like languages, and every language has context, and every context has words that create the context, and through the words we develop meaning. HTML5 was created by the ones who develop the browser, Opera, Safari, Chrome. And these developers in order to make development more productivity decided that W3C ( the current non profit for creating coding standards) was going in the wrong direction by following draconian methods that put long time coders in advantage.

So when W3C started to push this code that was harder to develop, WHATWG was created. Sort of a slap in the face to W3C. But as Emerson said, "The new statement is always hated by the old, and, to those dwelling in the old, comes like an abyss of skepticism". So what does all this have to do with HTML5.

Created by one of Googles lead search analyst, the syntax was more forgiving, and created more useful tags that were not proprietary of the creator. In XHTML, the language is known as XML, a server based language for talking back and forth and also allowed the creation (and also lack of standard) syntax. This means developers were basically using natural laws of coding and adding there own meaning semantic.

So when WHATWG aimed to create a more semantic language it, looked to Google (the ones who would use this syntax to create pages read more like encyclopedias then newspapers) adding new tags such Header, Footer, Address, Author, Time, Article, that Google will use to create more relevant results. More relevant results means happier searchers, happier searchers means more advertising and the circle continues.

Google has already taken off with these new features using sites such as chrome experiments html5rocks to showcase the new coding language. I, being different and unlike the average computer coder, has fully embraced this new language since it's announcement back in 2009. I can see what Google is trying to accomplish, and how one sided the internet industry has become as GEEK culture has begun to become popular. But truth be told, we look up to guys who have a chip on their shoulder, guys who have a vendettas against man kind as they did not fit in. Guys like Zeldmen who use the internet to showoff what they think they know. WHATWG has taking this type of developer down a peg and for that I applaud Google. True genius is not the creation of what we cannot understand, it's the belief of what is in your heart is true for all mankind; that is genius. HTML5 is new step in the right direction and that direction is way to grow the internet to be a truly great tool.

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