As the world goes mobile

Wanted to touch a little bit on the use of flash on your website.  I seem to get alot of people asking me to do such atrocious thing as build their site with the old technology.  But wait, you say it so pretty and eye catching and I agree, however behind all that pretty flicka shows, you will see a technology that uses 
  • A ton of resources
  • A proprietary plugin
  • and an expensive software (in-case you want to update yourself)
And as more and more the world goes mobile, that only audience your going to target for your services or products using desktop computer and Zach Morris... Thats right, because only he would be the one still using the device pictured below.

Ok so it's a little one sided... but truth be told flash does not go well with mobile.  The iphone, android, and many other including the  just announced Windows 8 Metro (the new hot mobile platform) will not support flash due to it's battery usage and third party plugin properties.

Mobile is on the rise, and as it skyrockets faster and faster, you will start to see the importance of having your site be mobile.  Catering to the "on the goers" who Google all day long on their smart phones will be passing your site right up.  The attention span of the normal internet user has dropped severely as reported by Morgan Stanley in a report of the mobile platform future.  A study conducted on the top three wants for a mobile device and among the top three were battery life and download speed.  And with a flash site, you fit neither.

So don't let more business pass you by because you made a bad investment.  Just eat the price and get your developer and designer to brainstorm up a new and creative site that will bring you business from all directions.  And remember, by 2014, mobile devices will be the number way to access the internet, so you'd better get on it.

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